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June was great.  So much fun and overwhelming.  I work SOOOOOO much.  The week between Yellowstone and Trek I worked 80 hours.  I worked at least 3 sometimes 5 days a week and most of those shifts were 12 hours.  The pay off was huge and we got rid of some debt.  Overtime helped with that.

The kids were home one week between school letting out and Trek.  Which means we spend the few days I was home that week getting ready for Trek.  The kids seemed to enjoy Trek.  I think it was a more spiritual experience for Victoria then Jake.  We got so many compliments about the kids.  Lee's cousin who also went text to say how our kids did amazing and how so many kids were complaining and/or struggling but our kids rose to the challenge.  Jake played a part in a reenactment and more then one person told us how well he did and how he was the only youth to have memorized his part. Both sets of parents said how much they enjoyed having the kids with their "family"

We have yet to find a good schedule for summer.  The older kids have been studying Japanese, cooking two meals a week, cleaning, doing laundry and other summer stuff.  But it just seems like there is no structure.  Little boys are loving their "summer camp" which has been good for them.  The older kids  have also done cross country the few weeks they have been home. 

We fed and watered Lee's cousin's dog for a week right after Trek.  Jake was riding on a long board being pulled by the dog when the dog started going to fast.  Some how either by falling or jumping Jake ended up on the ground and used his hand to catch himself.  Jake complained it hurt but it didn't appear to be broken so he went to the temple with the ward and came home and his fingers were swollen to twice the size of normal.  I wanted to take him to the ER.  Lee said no so we waited until the morning to go to urgent care to find out it has a small hairline fracture that will need to be casted but it couldn't be until Monday. 

Yellowstone :
Here is the back story.  When I was about the older kids age my mother took myself  and my younger sister and her mother to Yellowstone. My grandmother really wanted to go and couldn't go alone so we went.

 Back to the current situation...

My mother and I took the four kids for similar reasons.  My mom really wanted to go and didn't; want to go solo so I tagged along.  It was heart healing.  Is that a word?  The night before we left was the hardest at work in 4 years.  A toddler died and I had to call CPS twice and then there was hospice and all the “normal” stuff.  Being in the park with no service and so much incredible nature made me feel close to God and my dad.

I needed that.  I needed that peace. All four kids loved it maybe for the same peaceful feeling.

Where did June go? 


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