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Well that ended badly

Our babysitter quit today.  She blamed me.  She said my boys by saying they were difficult and hard to handle and delayed in several areas.  According to her my schedule is difficult to keep track of.  Pretty much all the horrible things you could say to a mom.

   I always asked before I picked up a shift. Now we don't have care on Monday but  I think we have figured it out.  (mostly). 

The truth is Monday  was the third day she forgot Andrew at the bus stop. She wasn't the one who told me Andrew was.   I was angry and decided to take a few days to process before I confronted her about it.  In those few days I started looking for daycare on some websites.  She said somebody told her I was looking and she became upset.  I wanted to give her notice.  But, it is unlikely that will happen. 

My intent was never to hurt her, my intent was to find the best care for my child.  We had a good relationship or so I thought.  My dad said never mix church and business.  Live and learn. 

I am not even mad I am just sad and feeling defated. I am sad she has unfriended me on Facebook and didn't respond to my email.  I do have to have one last contact with her because I need my year end statement on how much we paid her. 

I am been working on writing this since Wednesday.  Here is the thing I am so at peace with this whole thing. 

The situation was unfortunate but at the end of the day I did what I thought was best for my kids.  My kids will come before any friendship. 

Church may be a little awkward but we aren't going the next two weeks.  So maybe in a month things will calm down.  Or maybe not.  But I refuse to take responsibly for another person's error. 


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