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Merry Christmas!!!!

Facebook posted pictures I have posted over the last few years on Christmas Eve.  Awwww....Our kids were so little.  I am quickly losing the baby stage.  Andrew is so excited about Christmas and Santa.  I love it.  Luke is excited because Andrew is.  He hasn't quite gotten the concept. 

It is Christmas Eve and I am sitting here at work watching TV while Lee and the kids are home.  I am waiting for the doctor to make some discharge plans.  I am hoping to be out by 1 or 2.  By then the roads should be clear.

Here was the Christmas Letter we sent out this year.

Lee has been working at Colliers as an accountant for a year now.  He enjoys his job and his co-workers. Lee is a scout leader for the 10-year-old boys at church.  His bike trip this year included his good friend and Lee's dad.  In April Lee and Natalie ran their first (and likely last) half marathon together. 
Natalie spends most days running boys to preschool, and driving car pool for the older kids. She is the primary secretary as well as the PTO secretary.  Between cooking and cleaning she finds time to work part time at Saint Alphonsus in their ER and as needed at the hospital in Caldwell. 
Jacob started middle school this year.  He played Lacrosse this spring and ran Cross Country for the middle school this fall.  He has joined orchestra and is playing the cello.  He is part of the robotics team and is enjoying scouts.
Victoria is in her final year of elementary school.  She ran two seasons of Girls on the Run and managed to out run both her parents in a 5k.  She is in her seventh year of dance.  She auditioned and earned a spot in Capolei, a ballet which performs in April. 
Andrew is loving preschool and recently started gymnastics.  He is forever asking "Why?" and wants to know when he can go to the big school like his older siblings. 
Luke keeps us on our toes.  His vocabulary is growing day by day.  He enjoys his one day a week preschool.  He is always running somewhere and makes every effort to keep up with his older siblings. 
This year we have been blessed with friends and family.  We are looking forward to 2017. 


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