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I think some times as parents we over look the firsts as kids get older.  Jake has had a ton of firsts last week.  First time hunting with his dad, first cross country meet, first day of middle school, first string instrument, first time stacking wood. First time chatting with the principal in middle school.

Then there are lasts.  Last primary program is in a few days.

Maybe I should start finishing posts before I walk away. I started this post over a week ago.

Last primary program was Sunday.  It was great.  Andrew is one of the most confident kids.  It is amazing how he just got up in front of 150 people and said his line with no prompting.  The older kids did well also.  Victoria had her part memorized and then froze but they did have a cheat sheet for the kids. 

I am disappointed in how this week turned out. Although it ended well. Too much too much.  Lee had his procedure/surgery on Tuesday and recover is much slower then we anticipated.  Swelling isn't going down and there is pain. 

I didn't plan well for the days I worked and so dinner wasn't planned well and the house by Thursday night was a disaster.  I was able to recover the house for the most part on Friday.   Still not as much deep cleaning as I wanted. 

Luke has started randomly crying when he isn't with us.  Church nursery, preschool and daycare all commented this week about how he would just burst into tears then stop.

Jake was failing a class so he could not run in his meet on Thursday.  I cried when my mom asked where the meet was this week.  Jake failed to turn in an assignment and since there has only been two assignments this year it drastically effected his grade.  He learned a good lesson. 

The good:
Things are going better at Behavioral Health.  When I mentioned to Lee about  me applying for the new hospital that is opening a few miles down the street he was not overly excited.  He thinks I already have too much trying to coordinate all the jobs I already have.  Even though I don't work that much.  There have been times where I have been asked to work at different hospitals different days. But I can always so no and it works out. 

Jake was able to turn things around and it appears he can run both meets this week. He is really enjoying middle school. 

Despite the mounding medical bills we have been able to cut back and get them paid off with out dipping into our savings accounts.  At least for the moment.

Victoria is loving school.  And is really excelling at Girls on the Run. I was able to get the 5k where is running off work.  I am still working Halloween and I don't really care.  :(  Next year I will request it off. 

Andrew is loving preschool.  Luke is loving the one on one time and preschool.

So in the end we are all adjusting for the time being.  We are truly have more then we need and lots of what we want. 



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