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I feel as though I keep failing.  I went to register Victoria for her dance classes.  One class is "waited listed" and with Victoria there are six dancers on the list.  I was able to take the last spot in her ballet class.  I am half hoping they are able to get her into the jazz class and half hoping they won't.  She is really a natural ballerina.  And she is done with it most likely done with it after this year.  She really wanted to run cross county but that wasn't an option due to the timing of the practices.  However, she does get to do Girls on the Run again so she is happy about that. She is going to have Lee run the 5k with her. 

Dance started tonight.  I received an email from the business manger at the studio.  They are doing some rearranging and so Victoria will likely get the class she wants at the time we want.  :)  I hope. 

Cross Country started last week and Jake seems to like it.  He only went to three of the five days last week due to a family event and a scout campout. 

I got my schedule through the end of the year.  There are some good things and bad things.  Good I got some weekends off that I requested last minute.  I am only working one Saturday between now and the rest of the year although I may pick up some more shifts through the behavioral health.

The bad thing is that I am working a new shift on Wednesday which means I won't be home until after the kids are in bed and I won't see the older kids after school.  But we will make it.  For Septemeber and October I need to find somebody to pick up Victoria every other Wednesday from Girls on the Run.  I am hoping we can carpool with a neighbor. 

Jake had cross country try outs yesterday.  He didn't make varsity but he can still run the meets but not as a varsity team member.  He seemed okay with although a little disappointed. 

We decided not to have Lee and Jake to go to Kamiah this weekend.  We are instead going to celebrate Andrew on Saturday.  That means Jake has to get an Elk Labor Day weekend.  Here's hoping it doesn't rain like it has the last two times we have gone up for Kamiah Days.  Although last year the rain was very much needed due to the fires. 

We are going to the fair tomorrow which I am not overly excited about but Lee and the kids love it so why not?  

Tomorrow is going to be insanely busy.  I taking the kids to help at the school tomorrow in the morning.  Victoria has a play date with an old neighbor in the afternoon.  Jake has cross county.  Then the fair.  It is stake family week so NO scouts.  I am so glad we have a week with no church activities.

I feel as though we are making huge progress financially but so many other things are so overwhelming.  We do have lots of good things going on.  I am really going to try and get on a schedule when school starts up.  I need to menu plan.  I need to make more effort to have the house clean and dinner ready when Lee gets home.  The next two months are going to be so incredibly insane we need to stay focused.

PS this post may read super choppy but that is because I wrote it over three days


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