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General Conference Weekend--What I learned and my thoughts

1) I was grateful to see s many great talks on how great mothers and women are.
2) I was disappointed that the three new apostles were all from Utah.  Some diversity would have been nice to see.
3) There were no women speakers in one of the sessions (Sunday morning)
4) Pres. Monson looked so frail and weak and just overall tired.  And he didn't tell any jokes.
5)  We should start pondering one scripture a week for at least 20 years  :)
6)  Women's Conference was a struggle for me I tried to listen with the spirit but I honestly did not get anything from it and it wasn't lack of trying I listened to it twice.  The talks from Saturday and Sunday really seems to speak to me and I am grateful for that.
7) We should ask the spirit what we can improve on in our lives.  If we ask with true intent we will get an an answer we need.  Not necessarily the one we want.
8) The most powerful message I heard was not from conference but one of the "Mormon Ads" in between.  In a nutshell we need to look for those ways to serve others.  If we look we will be able to find them.  True Christianity.
9) Wives are not present when the call of the 12 is extended at least they weren't this time around.
10) My prediction is that we will have a new prophet in April although I predicted that six months ago.
11) Trying to watch conference with four kids and no husband was hard. Sunday afternoon was nap time so it was just me and the older kids. 
12)  Barriers keep us from sharks
13)  We have to be clean to enter the presence of God. 
14) Jesus Christ is our Savior
15) I am glad that one of the apostles' wives is a former partner at a law firm and they only have one daughter.  It seems that on average the apostles have less and less children.  But maybe that is because people on average  less and less children.
16) The kids are capable of making our traditional conference breakfast.  They did a great job.
17) Lee being out of town means I order way too many books from Amazon.  I ordered three this week.  That is five in a week.  Although some are for Jake that I am going to read as well. Some are for just Jake and one is for just me. 
18) Ponderize is not an actual word. But I didn't know until I was discussing the talk with somebody.
19) We need to forgive in order to be forgiven.
20) Family is so important.    .
21) The church leadership said they will not be having any talks in the speakers native tongue


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