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Who Cares....

I ran spell checker and it highlighted all the misspelled words but did not  give me a correct spelling so I don't care. 

Last night we were quadapaled booked.  We had four things going on.  So we skipped my work picnic (I went last year and didn't mind missing although Lee did) and Jake skipped soccer practice.  The multi-cultural night at the school was great.  Each one of the kids did a different project on their country of their ancestors.  It was great to see all the different countires and see lots of family stories from the kids. Kids loves showing us their projects as well as their friends.  Victoria learned some cool stuff about her family history and some intersting things about Germany.  Jake's GT parent night was good as well.  He did a personality test and part of it was a suprized but the other parts did not.  Also I think his personality is changing over time.

Now I work the next six days.  In three days I will work almost as many hours as I do in five days.   Then I will ask myself why I worked so much. We will be using the extra money for Christmas or new mattresses for the kids or something super exciting like getting out of debt. 

We went to Andrew's preschool feild trip at the zoo this morning.  Andrew and Luke had a great time.  However I learned that Luke is scaried of fake Kamdoo Dragons sheep and bats.  Although I think the reason the bats scaried him is because they were in this little dark room as soon as we entered Luke started crying like somebody was stabbing him, same when the sheep tried to poke his head out of the fence and when we went up to the dragon I was holding Luke and he started screaming and holding on to me so tightly. 

We are struggling with the kids doing chores the last few weeks.  We are going to have a family meeting and lay out very clear expectations and consequesnces.  Kids are doing well otherwise just having a hard time focusing on what needs to be done.

Luke is talking so clearly.  Wednesday when I said "What do you say?"  after my mother gave him some food he said Thank you and today he clearly asked for a popscile and said please even.  So he got one because he was so cute. 

Andrew is loving preschool.  I am not sure what to do next year with him but I think we will figure it out.  I am leaning towards Luke going to preschool next year the same class Andrew is in this year.  It is one day a week for a couple of hours so I could run errands.  I am not sure I can sell Lee on the idea and I am not sure about it. 

Victoria is loving dance and Girls on the Run.  Her coach asked me to be her running buddy for a 5k and I think I will.  Should be lots of fun.  School is a struggle more so this year then last but her teachers think she is fabulous. 

Jake is doing so well at soccer and this year seems to have chanllaged him in school.  FINALLY!!!!  He is at a birthday party tonight it was a sleep over Lee feels strongly about sleep overs so I am going to go pick Jake up at 11.  Seems fair enough.  Not to Jake though.  I see his point and actually agree with him. 

I decided to get an early start on Christmas for the kids.  Victoria gave me one idea and Jake gave me one idea but it was a book that I ordered for him several weeks ago with the intent of him reading it soon.  Speaking of books Jake and Victoria are loving reading but the downside is I can not keep up with Jake.  I ordered three books for him and hopefully those will keep him busy for a few weeks. 

Half Marathon tomorrow goals are as follows:
1) Cross the finish line
2) don't throw up

#1 being more important then #2  :) 


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