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What a School Year....

I am beyond proud of my kids.  This year has been a story of new and old.  A story of growing and expanding ourselves. 

Lets start with me:  I joined MOPS.  Lee harasses me a lot about it but it has been so good for me.  I was forced to step out side (way outside) my comfort zone and it was good for me.  Still can't believe that I joined the leadership team for next year.    I trained for a half marathon which was also good for me.   I got a new job.  An amazing new job that despite the fact we have to juggle evenings more often then I would like it has been great. I am realizing more and more that you can be a part of something with out buying in 100%. 

Jake:  He made it through the school year with out a visit to the principal's office for the first time ever.  He made high honor roll 3 out of 4 quarters. The third quarter he "only" made honor roll. He learned to work hard at school.  He participated in a book club.  He played soccer.  He played Lacrosse.  He learned the value of saving for something you really want (camera).  He did scouts.  He completed a successful year of GT.  He made some new friends and kept the old.  He went skiing for the first time.  He ran his first track meet.  He had a spelling Bee.

Victoria:  Had a successful year.  She played soccer for the first time.  She danced.  She did activity days.  She did amazingly well in Resource Room.  She made some new friends and kept some old.  She did the art program. She worked so so hard this year and I am so so proud of her.  She was citizen of the quarter. She danced some more.  She received a citizenship award today.  She went to the planetarium. 

They did it.  The accomplished huge things and some small things. They are fabulous.  The previous school year was so tough and we were just in survival mode for most if not all of it.  This year I feel like we thrived instead of just survived. 

Life is good.  Sometimes I just need a reminder


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