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Insanity I call life.

What a week!  Next week will be even crazier and the craziness will just continue until the first of the year and then we will have a whole new set of crazy.

Monday:  All four kids were home.  My mom borrowed Victoria and Jake and I were able to work on a project he had.  Lee worked super late and it was nine before he got home.  We attempted the first day of the 25 days of Christ total fail.  Although looking back I can see why. 

Tuesday:  Jake came home in tears because the project he had done was done 95% wrong because he didn't follow directions so we had to start all over.  It was also dance day.  At least Lee was home by six.   We spend the evening redoing the project. 

Andrew was super sick on Tuesday.  Eyes glazed over nearly five hour nap.  Super grouch only wanted to sit on the couch and watch Mickey.   Threw up in the evening after I took all four kids to Target before the throwing up.  We did get their ornaments for the year.

Dinner was left overs.

Wednesday:   Scouts and Activity Days.  Andrew still super grouch.  We got the tree up but no decorations.  House slowly slipping into CPS territory.  Laundry piled up.  Jake said he had no clean jeans.  What?  How did that happen?  Dinner?  How about left overs? 

Thursday:  Less grouchy Andrew.  Went to dissect squid at Jake's class. It was super cool and the kids loved it.  Came home super frustrated due to some family issues.  Decided to take the boys shopping.  Change my mind and just got pizza from a local place I love.  Laid the boys down for naps and got a call from the school nurse saying Victoria was sick.  UGGG....Had to wake up the boys early go get her and then had her lay down because she had a dance performance that night.   She rested and then felt better.  Then I had to do her hair and make up for the show.  Left Lee with the boys and went to the show.  They only took cash and there was no ATM on the school campus.  Went to credit union and came back with just a few moments to spare.  Dinner was what ever Lee could find  :) 

Helped a friend with a super overwhelming project to her but something I enjoy doing.  She offered to come help me declutter in exchange.  Went to Kohl's with the little boys thinking I only had one more day to spend my $30 Kohl Kash.  I have until Monday.   So I wandered around didn't find anything I wanted and then went to pick up a friend's daughter from school and then take her to the rec center for after school care.  Rushed home to have the kids clean and then got ready for work.  Left all four kids with Lee and headed to work that was super slow after about 7.    Notice only after the fact Victoria didn't finish her weekly homework.  Because of her special class she gets homework from two different teachers and I struggle to keep up with it all. 

Still haven't paid bills this week.  Plus I am making stocking for the older kids this year and a tree skirt and I haven't started those projects.  Lee and I disagreed on the Christmas Card this year so I haven't ordered those the letter is done and I will print it tomorrow at work.   Work has been sort of slow the last two days.  Probably half way done with Christmas shopping for the little people and Lee still need to order a present to be shipped to my sister in law and buy presents for my family.  I think what made it hard this week is that I worked Friday and Sunday last weekend so I feel like I never got time to really catch up although Lee and I did a ton of getting rid of stuff Saturday.

Next week I have a play date Monday morning and then the normal dance and scouts and school and homework and the never ending cleaning and laundry.  One of the social workers may be fired and if that is the case I may offer to pick up a shift or two of hers. 

I have started planning our beach trip now if I could just decide where to take the kids for Spring Break.  Oregon Coast?  Utah? Great Wolf Resort?  CDA?  Still debating as Lee won't like be able to go with us.  Although he has applied for several jobs and there are two more he would still like to apply for.  So new job might mean he could go. 

Update:  I finally got the bills paid.  But not the check book balanced. 


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