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Perfect timing

We always want to wait for that perfect timing.  Things are too busy right now.  We will take that family vacation when we have more money more time.  We will apply for the new job when we are secure in ours.  Waiting.  But it comes down to there is no time like right now.  People die everyday.  We need to do what we want to do today, not tomorrow.  There is time if you find the time.  There may not be time when the kids are older. 

So do it now!  Go visit grandparents now.  Send an I love you now.  Because nobody is promised tomorrow. Don't look back with regrets look back with fondness that you did what you did at the time.

So many things that I wish I hadn't put off.  That being said I am going to put off going back to school for another year. :)   There are some online classes I take free.  I don't want to ever stop learning something new.  There are some classes I am going to take through the city this fall or maybe the summer.  I want to learn how to use my camera more effectively. I also want a new lens. 

Lee is leaving tomorrow and won't be back until Sunday.  50 hours just me and the kids. 

Lacrosse is going well although Jake says in the fall he wants to go back to soccer.  Which is fine.  His best friend plays. So maybe that is why. 

Anyway life is good.  Luke is doing better every day I just wish he would sleep more at night. But that will come. 


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