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Bored at Baseball Practice

I almost dropped Jake off for practice Nd then went to Target I am looking for an ice pack an Fred Meyer didn't have them. But the pain in my leg was more then I could handle. I am glad we stayed.Victoria found a little girl to play with and Andrew found rocks to throw and I was able to do some very painful stretches.
Sitting is painful so laying in the grass is nice.

Jake is the youngest kid on the team. One of the kids was talking about middle school. Several of the boys played on the team played All Stars over the summer. Really Jake is way out of his league but he is improving and seems to be enjoying it

Dance starts next Monday and Victoria will be pushed. Hopefully not too far.

One day Andrew will walk. :) he is my slowest walker. We wait a few months until we stress and by we mean me. Andrew is learning to sign and was in nursery on Sunday and loved singing time.

Lee is working way too much and trying to learn his job. But I am so grateful for the job and what it means for our family.

The school year has started out great. Victoria is doing well in math and reading is coming along. Jake has been asked to test for GT I have agreed to allow him to test but not consent for the program. I haven't shared that information with many people as I have mixed feelings about it. He is doing well at a 4th grade level but I have the feeling this year wont be as easy as previous years.

As for me I have gone four days with out throwing up thinking another boy at this point. Still haven't come to terms with the fact we will have four children. At 16 weeks you would think I would have. The first is my ultrasound so maybe seeing the baby will help.

I have picked up several extra shifts at the hospital the money will be nice when we head to Seattle at the beginning of next month.


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