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So I am going to take the challenge that failed last year. 

The point is to blog once a day for the whole month of November.  Not sure how it will work when we go to Utah or when I go back to work but it is worth a try.  It is all for fun anyway. 

So on to my post.  Andrew laughed and he had an audience of one.  ME!!!  I was giving him a bath and dumping water on him and he laughed.  He has been trying for a while but he finally did it.  He is starting to sleep better. 

I work at the hospital tomorrow.  I know it is going to be an insane day when I get an email asking when I am going to be in.  I love the hospital.  I know I have said it before.  But it really has been a good experience for me.  Plus I think it has been good for me to be away from Andrew for a few days before I head back to work full time.  By the time the kids are out of school for the summer I need to be working somewhere else or part time which sounds forever away but it is just over six months. Somewhere else with hours nights and weekends would be ideal.  But we will put our faith in God and just take it one day at a time. 

Both Lee and I will be able to hopefully work around the kids school and be home when they get home.  The big issue at this point is their random days off of school where we both will have to work.  My parents aren't an option at this point so maybe we can find somebody at church who would be willing to make a few dollars and take care of two adorable kids.  :) 

Well I need to get a few things ready for tomorrow!!!  Should be interesting. 


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