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I am so emotionally drained that if one more person asks for one more thing I think I will cry.  I made dinner for a family today in our neighborhood.  Potato soup and homemade bread.  Bread turned out well but the soup ...well in the end it tasted fine but getting to that point was stressful and left me in tears.  Then the big question was how much do I give them?  I so over thought the whole thing. 

Then my sister called and needed something.  I offered it to her but it wasn't how my night should have gone.  I am annoyed with the whole situation and I refuse to be sucked in. 

Today I think I found a day care.  It is horrible and the whole thing is difficult and emotional.  But I felt really calm when I was there. 

Then there was the whole fast yesterday that although I didn't fast (Lee did) I was still in the spirit of fasting.  It was a very emotional day and a topic for another post. 

Right now I want to go to bed but I am worried Andrew will wake up so I would rather just stay awake then have my sleep interrupted.

Lee's dad is coming tomorrow and the house needs some massive cleaning but tomorrow I have things to do and it probably won't get done. Plus we are leaving Thursday for four days and I need to pack four people for that trip.

See one more thing and my head will explode. 


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