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Not sure where to start

This week is Spring Break.  It has been a hard few days.  Kids don't want to do chores because they feel they are on break and I want the house cleaned top to bottom.  Today I got some major dental work done.  Three hours in the dental chair.  Now I just have to get a crown and I will be with all the major dental work.   YEA!!!

While I was sitting in the chair I was watching a Dr Phil.  There was a discussion about Motherhood.  Very interesting.  People are so judgmental.  I didn't get to see the last half of the show and I was hoping to find it online but I haven't had much luck. 

I have become a little obsessed with our budget and planning. In part because Lee's family wants to do a trip in 2018 and some if not most of the locations that have been discussed will cost me a year worth of work at my PRN job. .It will be a sacrifice for us for sure. Plus we are planning on Disney land in the fall and the dental work has been expensive and we are going to have to replace the van soon.  Lee and I disagree on an amount to spend on the van and in the end I think he is right.  Maybe at some point in our lives we can we spend $20k on a van.  Just not in the next few years. 

I am going to see if we can get the preschool saved before August and then I won't have to worry about it for the rest of the year. Not sure that will work as well as it does in my mind. What is more logical is that I will save the first semester by August and then the second semester by January. 

There was several times over the past two weeks that I reached out to people and I was ignored.  It was hard and makes me not want to open up to people any more. First time was sending an email to a relative to discuss an upcoming event.  The second was telling a different relative I had concerns with the church.  Nothing no response.  I wonder if people even know how hard it is to tell somebody you are struggling with something that you have been a member of your whole life. 

I started this several days ago and now I am just coming back to it. On Thursday we went to the YMCA it was fun.  We actually went twice once in the afternoon and then went back after Lee got off work.  I was considering a pass there for the summer but decided against it.  

Tonight is Women's Conference. I am going with Victoria and my mom.  I am truly hoping and praying that it goes better then last time.  Last time I was really upset about one of the talks. 


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