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Working on the Sabbath

Today I offered to pick up a shift for a co-worker.  It was hard to leave the kids today for some reason maybe because we are heading up to the cabin tomorrow and I know our family time for the next month is really limited.  But here I am with 25% weekend differential plus another 10% for my evening shift.  My hours for the next few weeks are lower then normal so by picking up this shift it evens out.  I did turn down a shift at the other hospital.  I could have made it work but it seemed like too much effort and it is the week that Lee is gone and it means I would have not seen the kids for an entire day.  Which I am doing next Sunday but with Lee gone it didn't seem fair to them or me. Rumor has it that we will start adding more hours to cover the ED but I am really hoping that will not effect me at all.  I am working the entire weekend next weekend.  Yea time and half boo limited family time.  Although the fourth of July is usually pretty slow. 

I am texting Lee and I am reading blogs about large families.  And I making a list of July's goals and things to do.  I failed at June's goals.  July is a new month with new motivation. 

Hoping we can get the van back tomorrow which is a long story. 

We are at the point where we are ready to settle with insurance. Luke appears to have given up crawling and is now offically walking everywhere. I am hoping after Lee's trip and I can total all the bills and come up with a number that insurance will in turn not want to pay and we will go back and forth until which time they will cut us a check.  Good times for sure.  The medical bills have turned into a mess.  Some were paid by our insurance, some were not paid and some our health insurance picke up.  All bills should have been paid by USAA.  Ugg.  I need a secretary to help me sort through paperwork.  I have to sort through the stack of bills fax over the bills to USAA.  Call our health insurance, go to the hospital to get a copy of all the medical records because USAA won't just except the coding they want the notes as well because they are denying that the ER visit was due to an accident. 

I lost a friendship even Lee commented on it.  The whole thing went down so fast and it was over something that maybe I could have prevented but some things just aren't worth fighting for.  It is akward because it is somebody that I have to have contact with.  Oh well, life will go on.


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