We spend last week in Kamiah for a family reunion. It fed my soul. I loved watching the kids interact with their cousins. I love my in laws home and property. I loved the calmness and the slower pace of life. I am glad we are past the point where my children need constant supervision and I can step back and enjoy it. My soul was fed and I left with a full heart. Relationships were reconnected. There were frustrating moments for sure. Being surrounded by family and having real conversations is what feeds me. Not all the conversations were real in fact some seemed very fake. But those conversations that were real and got rid of some of the layers of superficial is what I crave and what I need. As I get older I realize I don't have time for fake people or surface conversations. I need realness and if you aren't going to be real with me then I don't need you. I also crave calmness. ...
Lee, Nat, Jakers, Tori, Drew and Lukey