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Showing posts from March, 2016

Not sure where to start

This week is Spring Break.  It has been a hard few days.  Kids don't want to do chores because they feel they are on break and I want the house cleaned top to bottom.  Today I got some major dental work done.  Three hours in the dental chair.  Now I just have to get a crown and I will be with all the major dental work.   YEA!!! While I was sitting in the chair I was watching a Dr Phil.  There was a discussion about Motherhood.  Very interesting.  People are so judgmental.  I didn't get to see the last half of the show and I was hoping to find it online but I haven't had much luck.  I have become a little obsessed with our budget and planning. In part because Lee's family wants to do a trip in 2018 and some if not most of the locations that have been discussed will cost me a year worth of work at my PRN job. .It will be a sacrifice for us for sure. Plus we are planning on Disney land in the fall and the dental work has been ...