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Showing posts from March, 2014

Always Changing

So yesterday I was going to give notice I wasn't coming back to work after leave but after doing some research I found out that the state can come after me for the health insurance cost they paid while I was on leave.  It makes sense but it also means that either I have to go back to work for two weeks or pay back several thousand dollars.  Maybe????  The handbook states they can not that they will necessarily.  So I emailed HR to find out what my options are.  Really if we had the money it would be worth it to never have to go back.  But.....we will have to wait and see.  But after some policy changes I found out about I don't think it is any longer a good fit for me to be there.  So the plan is to take the summer off and then find something part time in the fall.  I already have several trips planned. The kids and I will be spending a week in Seattle/Portland Five days for Yellowstone Five Days in McCall and in August we will be goin...

Pinterest Day

Friday I am feeling very Pinteresty today.  Yes that is a word.  (If only in my world)  So today I made fabric softener sheets with sponges.  They worked.  YEA!!!  I also made pizza dough for dinner and made oatmeal cookies.  Plus I went to Fred Meyer and WalMart with the little boys.  I changed what seems like a thousand diapers.  I never finish this post yesterday so here is the rest of it.  Lee and I are trying to make some hard decisions and I don't want to.  I don't want to do what I know what I need to do,  Stupid I know so I am stalling until the last possible moment.  I am taking the kids to the cabin in three weeks for three days.  All four of them without Lee.  My mom is going. Worried about how it will turn out but it should be fine.  I haven't been out of town since the beach in July.  So unlike me.  Okay I did take a 48 hour trip in early September to Seattle when my friend was ...