I am so tired of hearing that CPS workers want children in foster care because they get more money. That is so funny because I just took a 5% cut in pay. Really my whole job is not to make your life a living hell. It is to protect children. And we usually do a damn good job. We make mistakes. If you would like to do my job then go get a social work degree and come do it. Until that time stop saying that we are ruining lives. Nope we don't, the meth, the sexual abuse and physical abuse do that. Sure we take children away from their parents but there are so many checks and balances that children who don't belong in foster care don't stay there. More often then not judges allow them to go home only for CPS to be back out there in six months dealing with a far worse situation. I had a co-worker tell me that it takes an act of God to get children in foster care and that is usually true. I am sure that everybody h...
Lee, Nat, Jakers, Tori, Drew and Lukey