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Showing posts from January, 2019

My no goal year.... (sort of)

I have decided not to set any goals for 2019.  Which doesn't mean I will be sitting on the couch watching HGTV it means smaller goals day by day and week by week.  I am focusing on staying in the moment more and a year is a long time and so so much can change.  WE did set some financial goals.  Lee and I sort of agree and sort of don't. So I am going to focus on my health both physically and mentally and let things fall where they will fall.  There are some home projects on my list as well as some books I want to read.  More then anything I want to let go and be more present.  We are planning a trip to the beach.  There is a trip I will likely have to cancel that I wanted to go on.  But the summer is way to short and money doesn't grow on trees so I had to cut some where.  My word for the year is "DO".  I am constantly second guessing myself and talking myself out of things.  This year I want to just do it.  I...

2018 Accomplishments

I was reviewing 2018 goals and here is what went well and what didn't: I made some new recipes.  It could have been close to 12 not really sure.  I read more then I have in years.  I know I didn't read 24 books but I improved over previous years.  365 conference talks-  probably not that many but I listened to more then I ever have 365 podcast/Ted Talks-  Ummm Maybe.  I listen to podcasts/TED talks most of the time I am at work and cleaning.  So it is likely even if I didn't hit that number I got close 52 Date nights-  Maybe not 52 but very very close.  One on One Dates with the kids.  I did much better in the summer and spring but once all the kids went back to school full time it was harder.  Victoria and Duke are the easy ones.  Andrew and Jake are harder to find time with in part because Jake is a homebody. Didn't read the bible or D&C all the way through or even come close.  We did a massive a...