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Showing posts from March, 2018

Random Crazy. 😜

What a crazy few weeks.  Company coming for four days leaving and then company four days later staying a week.  Add to that working over time at one job and picking up shifts at the other.  Then we have two different spring sports.  Two different charities I am a part of and planning the elementary school carnival.  I also started spring cleaning.  I have gotten rid of a lot of stuff but there is still more to go. And the kids want to be fed every single night ;). Spring break started Friday.  It is the first time in years we haven't gone anywhere.  I am little depressed about it as I see friends posting pictures from Florida, Mexico and California.  Some of it was because I was going to work the middle of the week and Easter Weekend.  So we would have only had a few days last weekend when we had company.  Camping was the original thought until we did a trial run in the backyard and realized it was just too cold (for Lee). ...

Give yourself Grace

Today at work there was a question that after 15 years of practicing social work and 4 years at my current job I just couldn't answer.  I was frustrated.  The whole day had been about not being able to help people.  So many road blocks.  So I asked my supervisor who was equally stumped and upset.  Her comment to me was "You need to give yourself grace. You can't know it all" Something that I don't do.  I will fail we all do but Grace is important.  We fail at parenting and budgeting.  But we need to give ourselves Grace and learn and move on.  We also need to give others Grace: my kids, family and Lee.  There are some family things going on and I need to remember to give others Grace even thought they aren't doing the same.  So while I was writing this post I was listening to a Podcast and one of the guest mentioned Grace.  She was talking about being a mom who works outside of the home.  So much of what she said w...