Yesterday it was announced that the church had received a $35 million Book of Mormon. It was stated that generous donors had paid for the book and then donated it to the church. Here is my issue. Despite the fact that non profit organizations are required to have open books so people know where money is going the Church doesn't. The are exempt just like every other church. Although several churches have open books and notify both their members and the public where the money they receive goes. The LDS church has decided not to. The LDS church also claims that they have non paid clergy which isn't totally true. The 15 top leaders of the church are all paid stipends in addition to Mission Presidents having extremely generous benefit packages. So were these the generous donors??? The stipend for one of the members of the twelve is more then Lee and I make to support a family of six. I would consider it more then enough. We will pro...
Lee, Nat, Jakers, Tori, Drew and Lukey