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Showing posts from October, 2016

Costco and a Knife

I have been meaning to write this post for a while.  Several weeks ago I had to go to Costco for something.  I had both the little boys with me.  We made it through shopping and then had some trouble at the cash register.  The register just quit working as I was checking out.  In an effort to get it working the cashier called over the manager and after what seemed like an hour but what was probably five or ten  minutes the whole line was moved over to a different register.  While they were messing with the register I was dealing with the boys wanting to get out of the cart.  For the most part they were okay but they were done being in there and wanted the hot dog I promised.  So we get the hot dog and a knife so I could spilt it in two.  Finding a seat was tough and I was pushing the cart to get a table the knife fell out of the cart.  Where I left it.  It was too much to even consider picking it up under the table....

Weekend of Fun

Lee was out of town this weekend and I just couldn't handle the thought of all four kids and I home all weekend.  Too overwhelming.  So on Friday morning I took the little boys to a field trip a pumpkin patch with their preschool.  Freezing cold fun.  That evening we went to another pumpkin patch  (one of the hospitals I work at gave us two free tickets and a super discount on remaining purchased tickets) with my sister and all four kids. My sister took the older kids and I took the little boys.  Saturday Victoria had a ballet rehearsal and before that was a parent meeting.  So I left Jake with the little boys.  Then we went on a hike.  There is several different ways to the top of Table Rock and I was looking for the easy way up.  But never found it.  So the kids and I hiked the 3.2 miles round trip up the cross that over looks the city.  One of my favorite hikes.  The older kids were able to take off before us a...

Right now I am listening to....

The quiet hum of a new dishwasher.  I am so excited and the kids are going to be thrilled.  Now we just have to teach them how to load it correctly. My mom bought it for us.  Which was beyond kind.  Now the money we had saved for it can go to shed or painting the house or extending the patios. Home ownership is so very expensive.  But I love it.  I love that it is my house and I can do whatever I want.  As long as the HOA says I can ;)